This is a puzzle from LeetCode.
Implement a basic calculator to evaluate a simple expression string.
The expression string contains only non-negative integers, +, -, *, / operators and empty spaces . The integer division should truncate toward zero.
You may assume that the given expression is always valid.
Some examples:
“3+2*2” = 7
“ 3/2 “ = 1
“ 3+5 / 2 “ = 5
Note: Do not use the eval built-in library function.
Special thanks to @ts for adding this problem and creating all test cases.
Basic Thought:
- Parse
- Evaluate
I make a quick but dirty solution at first:
- Parse to nigix expression
- Evaluate */ first and Evaluate +- then.
I don’t like the evaluation part. It’s urgly.
A solution based on priority-map is better (assuming tokens have been parsed already):
We can optimize the solution by merging parsing and evaluating procedure.
That needs us offering 2 stacks:
Let’s take a deep look inside an evaluation: `” 10+2*3+4”:
(calc2 " 10+2*3+4")
(calc '() '() 0 '(#\space #\1 #\0 #\+ #\2 #\* #\3 #\+ #\4)) ; 〇
(calc '() '() 0 '(#\1 #\0 #\+ #\2 #\* #\3 #\+ #\4)) ; ①
(calc '() '() 1 '(#\0 #\+ #\2 #\* #\3 #\+ #\4)) ; ②
(calc '() '() 10 '(#\+ #\2 #\* #\3 #\+ #\4)) ; ②
(calc '(#\+) '(10) #f '( #\2 #\* #\3 #\+ #\4)) ; ③
(calc '(#\+) '(10) 2 '(#\* #\3 #\+ #\4)) ; ②
(calc '(#\+ #\*) '(10 2) #f '(#\3 #\+ #\4)) ; ④
(calc '(#\+ #\*) '(10 2) 3 '(#\+ #\4)) ; ②
(calc '(#\+ #\+) '(10 6) #f '(#\4)) ; ⑤
(calc '(#\+ #\+) '(10 6) 4 '()) ; ②
(calc '(#\+ #\+) '(10 6 4) #f '() ) ; ⑥
(evaluate '(#\+ #\+) '(10 6 4)) ; ⑦
(evaluate '(#\+) '(10 10))
(evaluate '() '(20))