Tutorial: Calculator

In this tutorial, we will write a calculator. It supports

  • Positive integers.

  • Negative integers.

  • Addition operator +.

  • Subtraction operator -.

  • Multiplication operator *.

  • Division operator /.

  • Parenthesis ().

  • Detect invalid zero division.

The calculator can take arbitrary valid string and yield a result.

Step 1: Create Grammar

Let’s create a new file “calc.h” and create the grammar using P4_LoadGrammar().

P4_Grammar*  P4_CreateCalcGrammar() {
    return P4_LoadGrammar(
        "statement = term eol;\n"

        "term = factor | term  (add / minus) factor;\n"

        "factor = unary | factor (mul / div) unary;\n"

        "unary = primary / (add / minus)? unary;\n"

        "primary = integer / \"(\" term \")\";\n"

        "@squashed @tight\n"
        "integer = [0-9]+;\n"

        "add = \"+\";\n"
        "minus = \"-\";\n"
        "mul = \"*\";\n"
        "div = \"/\";\n"

        "@spaced @lifted\n"
        "whitespace = \" \" / \"\\t\";\n"

        "eol = \"\\n\" / !.;\n"

To extend a little bit,

  • Rule statement is the entry.

  • Rule term can parse inputs like a + b - c + d … or a.

  • Rule factor can parse inputs like a * b / c * d … or a.

  • Rule unary can parse inputs like +a, ++a, -a, a, etc.

  • Rule primary can parse inputs like (a), etc.

  • Rule integer are some squashed digits. It avoids creating nodes for each digit.

  • Rule whitespace allows arbitrary number of whitespace or tab in between expressions.

Step 2: Eval Ast

Next, let’s evaluate the tree. We traverse the AST and calculate the result.

P4_Error P4_CalcEval(P4_Node* node, long* result) {
    P4_Error err = P4_Ok;
    P4_Node* tmp = NULL;
    char sign   = '+';
    long val = 0;
    char* intstr = NULL;

    if (strcmp(node->rule_name, "statement") == 0) {
        return P4_CalcEval(node->head, result);
    } else if (strcmp(node->rule_name, "term") == 0) {
        if ((err = P4_CalcEval(node->head, &val)) != P4_Ok)
            return err;

        *result = val;

        if ((err = P4_CalcEval(node->tail, &val)) != P4_Ok)
            return err;

        if (strcmp(node->head->next->rule_name, "add") == 0) {
            *result += val;
        } else if (strcmp(node->head->next->rule_name, "minus") == 0) {
            *result -= val;
        } else {
            return P4_ValueError;

        return P4_Ok;
    } else if (strcmp(node->rule_name, "factor") == 0) {
        if ((err = P4_CalcEval(node->head, &val)) != P4_Ok)
            return err;

        *result = val;

        if ((err = P4_CalcEval(node->tail, &val)) != P4_Ok)
            return err;

        if (strcmp(node->head->next->rule_name, "mul") == 0) {
            *result *= val;
        } else if (strcmp(node->head->next->rule_name, "div") == 0) {
            if (val == 0) {
                return P4_ValueError;
            *result /= val;
        } else {
            return P4_ValueError;

        return P4_Ok;
    } else if (strcmp(node->rule_name, "unary") == 0) {
        if (node->head == node->tail)
            return P4_CalcEval(node->head, result);
        else {
            long val = 0;
            if ((err = P4_CalcEval(node->tail, &val)) != P4_Ok)
                return err;
            if (strcmp(node->head->rule_name, "add") == 0)
                *result = val;
            else if (strcmp(node->head->rule_name, "minus") == 0)
                *result = -val;
                return P4_ValueError;
            return P4_Ok;
    } else if (strcmp(node->rule_name, "integer") == 0) {
        intstr = P4_CopyNodeString(node);
        *result = atol(intstr);
        return P4_Ok;
    } else {
        return P4_ValueError;


Step 3: Parse

Let’s create a new file “calc.c” and parse inputs reading from stdin.

The main function does the below things:

  • Create the grammar.

  • Create the source.

  • Parse the source using the grammar.

  • Eval the source ast.

  • Print the evaluated result.

#include "calc.h"

int main() {
    P4_Grammar* grammar = P4_CreateCalcGrammar();
    P4_Source*  source  = NULL;
    P4_Error    error   = P4_Ok;
    long        result  = 0;
    char        line[256];

    printf("Type statement to continue. Type ^C to quit.\n");

    while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin)) {
        source = P4_CreateSource(line, "statement");
        if ((error = P4_Parse(grammar, source)) != P4_Ok) {
            printf("error: parse: %s\n", P4_GetErrorMessage(source));
        } else if ((error = P4_CalcEval(P4_GetSourceAst(source), &result)) != P4_Ok){
            printf("error: eval: %d\n", error);
        } else {
            printf("[Out] %ld\n\n", result);



$ gcc -o calc calc.c peppa.c && ./calc
Type statement to continue. Type ^C to quit.

[Out] 7

-1 + 4/2*3 - 1
[Out] 4

error: eval: 6